Sunday, March 1, 2009

And she cried and cried and cried

A girl sat at a corner of a shop,
she cried and cried loudly,

One man donated her some money,
He thought she is a beggar and offered money,
One woman gave her a doll,
She thought her mom didn't buy her toy and offered a doll,

People donated without asking, hoping she feel happy
But she still cried,
A boy showed up,
"Why are you still crying? Aren't you suppose to feel happy?"

She looked at him with tearful eyes,
"My parents divorced because of money, I hate money,
My brother died yesterday, I have no one to play with,"

And she cried and cried and cried,
Holding the donations she had.


andrewleng said...

gimme the money then. lol

Yang_2 said...

shallow guy...